
Alex Jones is kinda right. When you discover certain things aren't true, you can easily fall into downwards spiral of believing everything is a lie.

I know it's a fallacy, but it's really easy to go down this road. If the media is lying about something as meaningless as video games, what else are they lying about?

@matrix I think there's a fallacy where the more unpleasant an alternative theory is, the more believable it seems. This makes black-pill theories seductive, even when they can often be false.

I think humanity is having an epistemological crisis due to overuse of heuristics to guess at what might be true because someone said so, instead of empirical evidence or facts being the bedrock of truth-seeking.

I wonder if this is a product of postmodern philosophy's "truth is a meaningless concept" idea, leading to a "everything is a social construct" and "consensus is truth" worldview, which is dangerously false. It was once "consensus" that the sun goes around the earth.
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