
The bright future towards which we must work. How beautiful!
@IsaacWestcott @matrix
I think this portrays the future where SJWs get everything they want and the revolution is successful and the useful idiots are no longer useful and this picture is of the beginning of Real Socialismâ¢

Check Yuri Bezmenov, they kept lists of their own members to round up and kill immediately after the success of the revolution.

Yes, I know the helmets are Nazi in the photo. The Nazis did the same thing, look up Night of the Long Knives. All socialists do this. They're always one execution away from Utopia.
@IsaacWestcott @matrix Trump 2016.
YouTube Rewind is the most disliked video in history.
AAA video games that lose hundreds of millions of dollars due to getting woke.
Mass layoffs of activist "journalism".
Mizzou enrollment down 35% in two years.

I think and hope we'll see a return to sanity in the nexty few years. We've just had a few years of psychotic people having loud voices telling people psychosis is the new normal, but now they're rapidly losing influence.
@aven @matrix

I guess time will tell. Considering that homosexuality is now a right wing issue it seems like we've come out further left, again.
@IsaacWestcott @matrix I'm actually a little worried about a hard pendulum swing right.

The democrats in USA are about to collapse, and while there's some comeuppance and justice in that, I don't want to Republicans unopposed. Being unopposed will lead to the same kind of complacency and corruption that rotted the Democrats.

The political system is a marketplace of ideas, and it needs competition to be healthy.

My ideal hope is a multi-party (not just two) system, but we'll see.

I could support a hard right depending on how many of the current elite are carried over.

Hoping for a multiparty system is effectively ceding this country to the invaders.

You'll have the black party, hispanic party, white party, etc. It'll just be political ethnic conflict.

The one advantage of the 2 party system was that the Dems kept them on the plantation. However, they started drinking their own kool-aid and imported too many if them.

The 2 political paths seem to be either communism or a reactionary right. I know which I prefer.

Racism is dumb.

I think you far overestimate racism in, for example, the USA. The majority of people are not racist, just a very vocal minority, often backed by foreign interests that want to create division.

Race-specific political parties would never succeed in the USA. There's so many races and so much mixing (which is a good thing).

So, you prefer socialism? Because I suspect that's the "reactionary right" you're alluding to.

It's a false dichotomy. Communist socialism and national socialism are two flavors of shit.

Racism is alive and well.

The Democrats are already built upon anti-Whiteness as their platform. If you think racially based parties won't spawn you're not paying attention.

Mixing is nothing to be celebrated - at best it is net neutral, at worst entirely negative - and certainly not so widespread that race will be dissolved.

If we transplant 40 million Hispanics to Japan over the course of 40 years will it still be Japan? Will it be different? Should they mix out?

What about Tibet? I suppose the Han Chinese displacement of the Tibetans is a good thing. After all it's just a change in birthrates and mixing - which is good!
>Racism is alive and well.
it is alive, but not well.

>The Democrats are already built upon anti-Whiteness as their platform.
How's that working out for them?

>If you think racially based parties won't spawn you're not paying attention.
What's the highest percent of the vote you can get with that platform?

Are Greek immigrants "white"? Are Spanish immigrants "white"? Are Italian immigrants "white"? Where do you draw the line?

Racial essentialism is a dead-on-arrival ideology. Yes there are genetic differences, but they follow bell-curves that mostly overlap. For instance, hiring only white people is way worse than hiring based on merit. There's a lot of low-IQ white people. Most members of a race are NOT the statistical mean of that race. They're individuals.

Race is an idiotic factor of a person to make central, compared to skill or philosophy or ideas or honesty. It's only attractive because you can tell it at a glance and it oversimplifies so low-IQ people can work it.

Racism is alive in well within everyone EXCEPT Whites. Notably, we are the only demographic in decline and losing our nations across the globe.

Anti-Whiteness working pretty well for the Dems. Note how they have stalled his entire agenda while out of power and got him to praise LITERALLY every demographic except the one that got him elected.

As for multiparty systems, are you completely inept? In multiparty systems no single party holds power, it's coalition based.
SoCal and the South West would easily host a strong Hispanic party, the South would have a strong black presence, and if you're any indication of the average White I assume you'd be voting for one of those - bc you're just above it all.


White is those European ethnicity. I don't see fags like you deconstructing whitness as you're handing out affirmative action and praising based minorities. It's not a fucking hard concept. Are Africans black? I can't tell I usually confuse them for Chinese.

Racial differences are good determinants of more than IQ, but to illustrate a point: there are more 115 IQ Whites than 100 IQ blacks and more 80 IQ blacks than 100 IQ Whites.

Your atomized individualism is what is killing the West. Want to end Muslim Terror in the West? Keep Muslims out, no exceptions - 90% reduction immediately. Want to prevent Chinese spies in the intelligence community, don't hire Chinese in the intelligence community - similar effect. If you tackle everything case by case nothing will get done. You're effectively a liberal.

Your hiring scenario is a total strawman and if you can't see that your IQ is below 100.

90% of the Republican voter base is White. Tell me in a room of 100 people with equal parts all races where will you find the Republican? Will you start with the blacks - who vote 90% commie - or the whites? If we can't apply basic heuristics to solve our problems our civilization is fucking finished.

@aven @IsaacWestcott @matrix get genocided with the rest of the cucks and kikes and mud monkey niggers you internet-fried-brain apartment-dweller wretch

@aven @IsaacWestcott @matrix hang niggers. lynch niggers. burn niggers at the stake. smash niggers' heads in with a hammer. run over niggers with a truck. fifteen bullets to the back of every nigger's head. gas kikes. kikes in the oven. skin kikes for lampshades. melt kikes into soap. feed kikes to the dogs. crush the kikes into dust. twist kikes' heads off. 1488

@IsaacWestcott @matrix complete and total genocide of all the niggers, kikes, cucks, and betas is the only way forward. all non-hackers who do not pack the gear will be put in chains and sold into eternal slavery. the thousand year reich must be built upon the blood and bones and ashes of our enemies and our detractors. doubters and disbelievers will be skinned alive and hung above the streets to serve as a warning example to the rest. this is a white planet and it is ours alone by white right

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