
Bioshock tries to portray Ryan as an insane ideolog which he sort of is, but he's right in so many things he says.

“Lacking its own ingenuity, the parasite fears the visionary. What it cannot plagiarize, it seeks to censor. What it cannot regulate, it seeks to ban.”

“An artist strives to frame his ideals in an image; to challenge his audience and to make his vision immortal. But the parasites say 'no, your art must serve the cause... your ideals endanger the people!'”

@matrix He's right about a lot of things but just like in real life, what really matters is what people do with the tools they are given

Bioshock goes to hell because not all ideas work in practice, but only on paper

Yeah. They leave no room for nuance. However Rapture is much closer to an ancapistan than a objectivist state.
You also can't forget that Adam turned the population insane.

@matrix I mean it was already messed up before that, which is evident in the tapes

A good example is the one about a bathroom wall which needs repairs that nobody can agree on it's ownership

This actually happens in real life all the time with train lines being owned by different companies and telecommunication lines being owned by different companies

The nuance is there it's just only in tapes and shit
@Majkatsu @matrix I felt it did a good job of being neutral and ambiguous on the virtues and drawbacks of Rapture, partially by leaving the question of CIA interference open. It's accurate, the CIA would never allow an experimental settlement of any kind to succeed.

And then in Infinite, they had to use the straw man of "muh racism" to make Colombia objectively bad (like Orange Man), god forbid we just have a game about the moral ramifications of a transdimensional idea-thieving time traveling nomadic city, that might actually encourage interesting writing

I meant that Ryan's ideas leave no room for nuance.
Yes. The tapes are also about the conditions of the poor, which is also the reason why Rapture couldn't last long.
Conflicts in ownership are usually resolved by the court. I don't remember hearing about courts or police (or I just have a shitty memory).

Rapture is supposed to be an objectivist utopia, sorta like Gatt's Valley. Not ancapistan.
@DetectiveHyde @Majkatsu

@majkatsu @matrix IMO more than ideas, it failed because of the people it sought to attract. Weirdos are fun and all but you either have anarchy or you have art-obsessed weirdos. You can't have both if you want things to not die horribly.

@matrix a good villain is one who has a valid point to make

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