He's right in a way if you think about the origin of the word "capitalism". Its a process that happens naturally, so marx giving it a word was more to his advantage
@helvegr @igeljaeger @matrix Thanks, love.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is what the OP was broadly getting at now.

ALL modern politics are socialist fluoride, because ALL of them are justified by their effect on the whole society. Even anarcho-capitalism, even anarchism really, are focused on arguments about the health and state of society - not the individual.
@igeljaeger @helvegr @matrix It's the shortest post I've made at you for some time for a reason. Stop being an ignorant retard for once in your life and just fucking at least read the dumb ass, oversimplified summary I gave.

You said you only care about yourself. Show it, then. Cast off this garbage.
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