"Department of informatics"
Nuke California!

@matrix i wonder how queer backwards-long-jumping into parallel universes in sm64 would be
@matrix what the actual fuck is this? Are people being paid for this?
@matrix @dyske
someone with "videogames have always been queer" bio argues that a recent queer videogame is not queer at all. peak 21st century
@matrix just find someone equally retarded, there's your peer.

> don't speedrun, you are making this game not gay any more


> chrononormativity

:REEEE: :reeEEE: :REEEE: :reeEEE:

@p @matrix "Chrononormative" and "Chronodivergent" sound like a good scifi jargon terms in a dystopian time travel story

@JapanAnon @matrix

> Chrononormative

Defeats Lavos after fixing history.

> Chronodivergent

Defeats Lavos at random points in the timeline and gets strange endings.
@rasterman @ChristiJunior @matrix It's actually always been a joke. They do not value people who are intelligent or talented. They value their bureaucracies and their in-group clubs and orgiastic sophistries.
@jack @ChristiJunior @matrix I just had that conversation with a friend a couple of days ago, who had the opportunity to get into such job at the university, but doesn't want to for that very reason.

Over here it's all about writing papers all the time. The more papers, the better the scientist. And it's a public university, so these assholes get paid with our tax money.

Having been at some of the more science-oriented research centres, I can say that they work on super specific things that in some cases can't even be applied yet. One woman has been working 10 years on some statistical analysis project that went nowhere, yet still manages to produce papers and give lectures to this day, about that subject and its possibilities. Again, that's money from taxes. :trollface:
@rasterman @ChristiJunior @matrix

It's like everything at this late state of society. There are plenty of "situational tests" to weed out most of the best people. Then these shitty people tribe up and keep themselves well-paid.
@jack @ChristiJunior @matrix It's a disgrace, most of all because most people have no idea that's going on. Just like your average NPC acquaintance lets late night TV show hosts do the thinking for them, people here hear someone works at X research centre and they take it for granted that they know what they know about.
@matrix The "Earth" show ended many seasons ago. Right now we're on the terrible spin-off where 3/4 of the cast left and we're left with that one character that sounded like a great protagonist in theory but here we are.
@matrix any people that wonder why faith in institutions are low need to read that peer reviewed paper.
@matrix >speedrunning
>queer form of play
For once, the Science (tm) is right on the money.
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