@matrix Reminder that if it's only or primarily Black people, it's Diverse and a Good thing (see Black Panther) - if it's only or primarily White people, it's NOT diverse, and it's a Bad thing.

Gee, it's almost like these faggots just plain hate White people...
@ChristiJunior @matrix Note that the NBA still gets to be "diverse" and "progressive" while being overwhelmingly black and frequently displaying unsubtle prejudice against any player who isn't black. Luka Doncic fell to third in last year's NBA draft despite being far more accomplished than anyone else as the MVP of the Euroleague(2nd best league on Earth and far better than the NCAA) as a teenager, while also leading his team to a championship. He's predictably now considered as a heavy favorite to win Rookie of the Year with a statline that compares favorably to rookie Lebron James. This was almost entirely due to him being perceived as unathletic due to being white. If the races were reversed in any major modern sports league there would be a massive outcry.
@ArdanianRight @matrix Meanwhile, the sports media freaked out about gay Michael Sam supposedly not getting a fair shot, despite being far less accomplished than Doncic.
@ChristiJunior @matrix I mean Doncic most definitely did get a shot, but Sam wasn't actually head-and-shoulders above the competition on the field and didn't light it up in Canada either. Kaepernick had fallen off greatly and lost his job to Blaine Gabbert before he couldn't find a job, so even if he wasn't quite as washed as some NFL backups he wasn't an exemplar of quality at that point in his career.
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