
Do you know what else would lower rape crimes?
Making rape legal

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@matrix criminalization won't work, see the drug wars.
@lain @matrix
>Gun checking is effective for reducing school shootings as it can change the minds of people who have already decided to shoot up schools. Providing information to shooters allows them to make informed choices about the weapon and ammunition they use for the shooting, including whether or not to shoot at all. Gun checking works in the same way that quality control and labeling works to reduce harm from other consumer products.

>We focus on reducing harm and maintains that death is not an acceptable consequence for breaking gun laws. We reduce risk of death [for the shooter] from school shootings by ensuring people know what guns and ammo they have and the risks associated with it so they can make an informed choice, rather than taking a gamble with slavjank and therefore their lives.

This, so much this! I can't believe the entirety of our criminal justice system has been founded on completely unscientific and unprogressive garbage like prohibition and punishment.
@matrix imagine needing the law to justify not raping someone. Statist logic.
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