>core principles of liberalism
>free healthcare

@matrix Weirdos. Free healthcare is probably as old as ancient Egypt. But in modern times I guess you'd most credit humanitarian and socialist movements with introducing them?

Liberalism is more like "let's not have feudalism/monarchy, but freedom and democracy", isn't it?

Basically yes.
The TL:DR is that the core building block of society is the individual and their freedom. The freedom to live, the freedom to own property, the freedom to self associate, the freedom to speak freely. The government's job is to protect those freedoms from inside and outside threats.

@matrix I'm really not sure the individualist aspect is necessary for either historical or present liberals. I'm pretty sure many were and are somewhat more collectivist / societal about how these freedoms are supposed to be protected.

I don't remember many names since I'm more casually informed on this topic, but Montesqieu was one of them.
@do @matrix Modern liberal ideals are in direct conflict with one another which is why you see them turning into Communists instead.

Depends on how you define things. American "liberals" do have a tendency towards leftwing collectivism, that's why I don't like calling them liberals, but for people like Locke and John Stuart Mill, the individual was at the centre.
Here are some decent videos on liberalism:

@matrix @do

There need be a balance of individual vs society. Best for individual without detriment to society.

Right now we are seeing all done in the name of the individual and elective identities/mental disorders at the expense of society.
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