@matrix SJW content creators amuse me.
If their creation is shit, then they have failed.
If their creation is good, it's not SJW, and they have failed.
Something about ignoring reality, but not it's consequences, applies here.

TL;DR ends here.

It's like Steven Universe where the writing is slowly becoming conservative/traditional.

I wouldn't recommend watching it, but it's fascinating to see the style of writing adapt to the constraints of reality.

Boys cry too! ... but a protector can't be a crybaby, and it's a coming of age story, so the boy has to man-up at some point.

Women are perfect, and men are flawed bums! ... But we can't have the dad be mean, because the main woman loved him... and the "non-binary but obviously female" aliens don't know how to raise a human, so I guess the dad needs to be a positive role model.

If all the good characters are perfect in their own way, and have no obvious flaws, we don't have character driven episodes, and the show will end pretty quickly... I suppose we introduce some flaws.

Why can't we just talk to the bad guys?! Because then the plot just ends, so maybe have people who can't be convinced?

It goes on, and on!

It's truly mesmerizing seeing these pink haired Tumblerites start from soy infused garbage, and slowly arrive at traditional masculinity.
I wish I had your :omegalul: emoji :awesome_rotate:
@diresock @matrix In Disney Star Wars you can see the reverse process underway. The deconstruction of everything that made it good.
@judgedread @matrix That's because (to their credit) the Steven Universe team actually seem to care about their IP, while Disney just wants to squeeze theirs for cash.
@diresock @matrix Disney doesn't understand what they bought. It isn't combat tested like Marvel, a rugged set of memes that any old hack can take charge of and make an adequate product. Even Lucas himself couldn't make prequels anywhere near as good as Star Wars and Empire.
@diresock @matrix Wow, that's interesting, maybe E;R should do a follow-up on SU - or Metokur, if there ends up being a SJW fan backlash!
@matrix don't forget the Indian character who is constantly talking about making messes and needing a bathroom break, or the Chinese dude with the most stereotypical accent..... The list goes on lmao
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