Got peertube up and running. nice!

What's that? vultr blocks SMTP? FUCKING WASTE OF MY TIME!

Need recommendations for VPS that is good for a federated project (Peertube instance).

BuyVM VPS in Vegas. You can attach up to 8 10TB drives to it.
The main problem is that they're almost always out of stock :lul:


Oh. BuyVM blocks port 25 too, but you can ask them and they will enable it no problem.

@matrix All good man. They seem like the place to go. Far better than Vultr's pricing. Thanks ð

@matrix Been waiting for 5 hours and it's still "pending" Do they approve these manually?

@matrix "We have blocked mail server ports to stop the high amount of incoming spam that occurs on our VPS. Because of this we can not unblock this for you."

@matrix I don't hold it to them. new user jumps in and goes
"yo bruh be a pall and unblock that thing you blocked on all your services plz k thnx"

@Tyrent I get that. Maybe try asking on their Discord.
I got it unblocked the first time I asked. Maybe because I asked for help with configuring Postfix first xD.

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