Are you aware Torba isn't a neo-Nazi? He's just a retard.

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gab screenshot 

@dielan @linux @matrix @switchingsocial funny thing was that i gave them the benefit of the doubt "hey maybe they just want to get the message across and want to excercize their freedom to be on multiple platforms" but it's always the same naivety in the end.

gab screenshot 

i don't personally care if someone was once or is currently a gab user. i typically only care about what posts i see from them. i'm sure this gab browser fork is hot garbage tho lol
@linux @matrix @switchingsocial

gab screenshot 

@dielan @matrix @switchingsocial @linux brave is hot garbage to begin with, so the gab fork can actually only be worse lol

i just don't like politics sneaking into my posts and sucker punching me when i least expect it.

Oi! Watch your language, retards have Feelings too! They are. Etter than faschists!
@switchingsocial @linux

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