Imagine being more up your own ass than Kojima.


The story is ok. The gameplay is boring. ResetEra is triggered because of a text saying asexuals aren't interested in sex.

@matrix Would you say Sony won big with Kojima, regardless?

ResetEra is the one full of paedophiles or was that NeoGaf?

@rasterman I would say they won.
ResetEra is the worst of Neogaf.

@rasterman @matrix

Won what? Kojima is just another developer, Hollywood is filled with them already.
@matrix @rasterman My favorite part was the terrorists originating from California.
@matrix @rasterman What the fuck does asexuality mean if not that? Also why the fuck should we care?
@ArdanianRight Perhaps they're interested in fucking, but in a non-sexual way?
@ArdanianRight @Jimmietherustle I think it means you have sex like everybody else, you just don't ENJOY it. Or something. Idk I'm confused too.
@ArdanianRight @matrix Like all other gender/sexuality freaks, what they want the most... is attention.
@rasterman @ArdanianRight @ChristiJunior @Jimmietherustle @matrix
Definitely my opinion. Loved Che Guevara enough to felate him in MGS Peacewalker. In his perspective for DS, things like Trump & Brexit are what cause our disconnect, as opposed to what I see as an attempt by people to guide their own countries.
@RehnSturm256 @rasterman @ChristiJunior @Jimmietherustle @matrix Trump and Brexit aren't the causes of the disconnect, they're attempts to correct the disconnect.
@RehnSturm256 @rasterman @ArdanianRight @Jimmietherustle @matrix Even from a leftist POV, claiming that Trump and Brexit are the disease rather than symptoms is a basic bitch take.
@ChristiJunior @ArdanianRight @Jimmietherustle @matrix @rasterman incidentally, I feel much of Kojima's stuff is basic-bitch caliber.
I won't be playing Death Stranding, so perhaps there are broader themes explored that I won't know about, but the premise is predictable & eyerolling, at least to me.
@RehnSturm256 @rasterman @ArdanianRight @ChristiJunior @matrix I'd say the stranding was cause by a based stick man smacking an Antifatard so hard that he broke reality.
@Jimmietherustle @ArdanianRight @ChristiJunior @matrix @rasterman ah damn, I'm not familiar with that one :/
The postapocalyptic delivery service reminds me of a cheesy movie called The Postman tho XD
@RehnSturm256 @rasterman I'd still be willing to give the game a shot once it comes out on PC. Plotpoints like Cali being a separatist state run by terrorists are kinda hard to ignore. It could just be decent writing. Turns out retards exist even in a post stranding-world. I'd say that this is a realistic take. That being said, I've only watched the first two hours of gameplay so it could be far more pozzed than I could ever imagine. Still, I'd give Koji the benefit of the doubt even if it's entirely unrealistic to expect good writing from him. If we're only considering the story.

Dat gameplay, tho. I'm not sure I'd roll with that.
@Jimmietherustle @RehnSturm256

>even if it's entirely unrealistic to expect good writing from him

Hol up. I've never played a single one of his games... that I'm aware of; but I keep hearing about this guy as if he's the big brain game creator of our age. The Kanye of video games, if you will.

If he's not great at writing or gameplay, what's his strong point?
@rasterman It's weird, my guy. He can write really interesting themes and weave them into his games pretty well. And, thanks to the competent teams that work for him, the games tend to be well-polished and have good gameplay. The issue is how he writes dialogue. Well, one of the issues. Then there's his post-modern execution of things. There's alot of intentional sucking in MGS V. But it's okay! It's part of the theme!

He's like an edgy middle-school version of Yoko Taro. Or Virgin to to Taro's Chad. Taro had the balls to say that it was just cause he liked sexy ladies when asked about why 2B looked so damn hot.
@Jimmietherustle Ah, the guy who made the chick with the bandage. I've seen this character a lot; but I have no idea what game that's from.
@rasterman Nier: Automata. Developed in partnership with Platinum Games. So you know the gameplay is as crisp as a winter sunrise. I'd say give it a whirl.
@Jimmietherustle Ah, it's on Windows. That could work... if only I upgrade my antediluvian GPU. Even Noah thought it was shit. Can't imagine it runs this game.

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