
She is calling car owners rich....
Especially in the US that's not the case. She only thinks that because she lives in some apartment in San Francisco where everything is just a few stops away.

@matrix In my city (Hobart, Tasmania), the vast majority of cars are misused quite badly. Average car occupancy, for a five-seater, is maybe 1.3. Lots of potential for motorbikes. Or electric pushbikes!

What cars though? You can get used cars really cheap.

That's quite different from here or the US, but that depends on a lot more factors than just the country.
I would agree that if you live and work in the city, it makes sense to use either public transport or some sort of bike, but I don't actually think many people do. City centers are emptying and people are moving to outskirts or satellites.
Cars are also obviously much more comfortable and also safer compared to a bike.

@matrix I question the need for "city" and "suburbs" to begin with, but that aside...
Yeah, I agree with cars existing. Much like I agree with trucks existing, to move furniture around. Cars have a place. But that place is not short-range, or even mid-range, regular commuting, and definitely not for a single person. At the very least, carpool to the max. People talk about wanting to exercise more; start by walking a couple houses down to the guy who works in the next building.

@matrix The globalist ideal might involve us not even having the independence granted by owning our own motor vehicles. Lowering everyone's standard of living to the point most people can't afford a car would be one of the steps to get there. I'm just saying this post doesn't look that crazy to me.
@rasterman @matrix lol, look at this loser not praising the arrival of concrete tube or container box apartments and breakfast worm flakes

@matrix Literally anywhere outside of the very core of a major city, having a car, or access to someone that does, is a prereuisite to staying alive.

How the fuck can that be a rich person thing?

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