@matrix Whenever I see this VR shit I think: "This might be a good reason to play more ARMA."

That would definitely be awesome. The problem is that you are going to puke your guts out. I've never seen ARMA 3 run at a high and solid framerate.

@matrix It's been a while so I'll have to re-install it to see. Never used any VR stuff, though. It mostly seems like a fad to me. AR could get real interesting, though. Like having a demo for various sense augments.

I don't think that VR is a fad, but I do think that it is a niche and will stay a niche for a long time because of the price and other limitations.
AR is cool, but really hard to display properly. There's a reason why jet pilot helmets cost so much. I'm bit sad that Google abandoned Google Glass though.

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