If a social media owner routinely goes around removing things they disapprove of, it makes sense to assume that they approve of the things that are still up and thus safe harbor shouldn't apply.

@matrix so what do you suggest, that spammers have free reign? surely you have some idea what this means

I'm almost definitely certain that spam is illegal plus robots don't have rights

@matrix what about if i simply am posting about my three-point plan about american women, as if to just spread the good news?
@matrix what about when someone makes an account on my site called rape or administrator

Administrator could be identity theft but rape that should be fine.
I'm not saying you can't ban people though.

Also I was talking more about bigger social media like Twitter, Facebook etc. Most fedi instances are more in the territory of "hey friends, come hang around at my house"

@matrix what's to stop fb/twitter for being just a very big hangout
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