
Bruh. We traveled in time to a period of "books we don't like cause violence" and it's the ACLU claiming it.

Out of all the left wing talking points, I hate this one the most, because it's extremely emotionally charged yet extremely easy to disprove.

@matrix Why is the ACLU trying to group a fictional, cross dressing serial killer in with trans people? Strange, that.

@matrix how the fuck is 21 tranny kills an epidemic, do they know how many people get killed daily?
@matrix meanwhile they're over there trying to repeal the civil rights act. :blobcatgooglytrash:
@matrix While I am not in favour of killing anyone I do have to wonder what the circumstances are of these deaths. I cannot imagine that everyone of these cases are motivated by hatred of transgender people.

Unless every cause of death for someone transgender is transmisogynistic by default, then ACLU can get fucked.

@Glowie It's mostly regular crime or sex work related. They never show something that points otherwise.

@matrix This is in line with what Sophia Narwitz (❤️) recently mentioned in one of her videos.

Lazy me would be really happy if someone would research the claim about these 21 deaths.

I forgot the name of the site that keeps a list of the murders but last year I went through a few years worth of them (which is kinda easy since there's so little of them). Lot of them were muggings, burglaries and drive-bys.

Fahrenheit 451 may not have been fiction
@p $CLASSIC_DYSTOPIAN_NOVEL_TITLE was not meant as a how-to guide

I've lost count of how many fit this template now, 1984 used to be the go-to example but so many dumbasses have been working extra-hard to bring every future-is-shit scenario into reality

@Moon @matrix The ACLU were leaning this way for years, you just haven't been paying attention
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