
Words can apparently kill now. That's pretty awesome that certain words can produce enough force to kill a person. I need to remember that.

It's all a rip-off of niggers. Nobodys original anymore.

They'll never take that word from me. This is my Alamo. :reeEEE:


@matrix I will remember to use the word Rosebud if I ever shoot a man. Now, is rosebud a killing word?

Fucking stupid retard...

@matrix If you’re on a highway on foot, running or dancing, then I’m sorry, the word “retarded” does very much do justice to what you’re doing.

Don't worry guys, all of my fedi friends have R word passes.

@matrix Saying nigger literally sends people flying off cliffs like you're the fucking Dragonborn.
@matrix To be fair, nowadays baby's in the womb get turned into biological waste if a test proves its a retard. And if there isn't such a test there are cultures out there that terminate new born on the spot if it looks dodgy.

The former can be argued that it's either ethical or necessary, the latter isn't happening that often in the west in recent times. So he can fuck right off.

This tweet is part of a larger thread that talks about the sad reality that anyone disabled is more vulnerable and thus much more likely to become a victim, but instead of approaching it from that perspective, this retard uses emotional extortion to shame people into not saying retard as if it's the same as torturing and brutally murdering someone.

@matrix So the literally shaking was non-fatal cardiac arrest all this time?!

@matrix I believe he was trying to say that people have died, of other causes, while those other causes were screaming that word into their ear.

But it is pretty funny to think someone just keeled over at the word ‘retard.’

People have also died, listening to the words “Deus Vult!”

@matrix Just think, if we sterilized retards we wouldn't have to read his nonsense.
@matrix > the word retard IS a slur
okay retard
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