@matrix russian debates are usually all/most other "candidates" EXCEPT putin discussing shit for some time, apparently.
@matrix Polish debates "You're a fucking retard and here's a list of reasons why. Shut up and accept your retardation."
@matrix Germany/EU: take in refugees
Poland: and put them fucking where? Magically create jobs for them? We have issues with our own citizens going abroad for work how the fuck are we supposed to take care of Mohammad from Mali?
EU: you're racist
Poland: oh really Germany? You want to play that game? What about the widespread discrimination against Poles seeking better work opportunities in Germany? How about that, is that suddenly not racism?
EU: .....
@polishlad @matrix Poland also gets literally zero credit for taking in lots of Ukrainian refugees, because those people are White Christians who contribute to the receiver country instead of destroying it.
@matrix White privilege does fuck all if you're Polish or Romanian in the UK and Germany (frankly most of Europe), in the USA nobody really cares because half of America can't find it on a map.

//End rant//
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