So in one week TransIP notifies me the free 1TB "STACK" storage will be discontinued and Google tells me Photos will only allow 15G from soon on.

Time to host every bloody thing myself!

@flamingkeys @b10m
>there is so much shit to configure just to run it
>has issues with larger uploads
>Android app kills battery

Sadly Nextcloud is the best alternative to Google Cloud

@matrix @flamingkeys @b10m Ok PHP sucks. No one would argue that lol.

But the rest of the issues don’t exist in my case. The whole thing works like a charm.


@shebang @b10m @flamingkeys
Maybe all of those are caused by using object storage :peepoShrug:
How does your setup hand 4GB files and higher?
Have you tried automatic sync on Android?

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@matrix @b10m @flamingkeys I haven’t done an automatic sync on android because the latest versions just magically pull the files as needed. It hasn’t come up as something I need. I would expect that to use more battery, but that feels a bit obvious.

Uuuuuh lemme find a file larger than 4gig. There is one, a vbox disk image lol… I’ll upload it and see what happens

@shebang @b10m @flamingkeys Wait, how did you do that in 10 minutes? You have it local?
I guess it's object storage support. :peepoShrug: It works sometimes.

@matrix @b10m @flamingkeys Its on a vm on my lan, so the upload time was probably not a major factor.

@shebang @b10m @flamingkeys Syncing to the cloud. It starts at random times and kills the battery. Thankfully it's webdav so I can just use a different app that works.

@matrix @b10m @flamingkeys Like maybe there is a use case I haven’t had yet that you are talking about.

Like syncing a dir on the phone to nextcloud instead of pulling from nextcloud to the phone? I haven’t tried that. My use case for nextcloud is calendaring/contacts (davx for that, works like magic), then storing just files that I want acceessible. Memes, important files, etc etc. I don’t use it for mass backups or anything like that.

@matrix @b10m @flamingkeys Oh and notes/task lists. Those are critical for poor retarded people like me :blobderpsad:

I have it mainly for backing up my photos and folders I want on hand.
@b10m @flamingkeys

@matrix @b10m @flamingkeys I even run mine is a bit of a strange setup — its on a kvm, behind a nginx reverse proxy that is on a different server.


Internet -> Nginx Server -> virtual machine server.

You gotta run some command uh I forget what to get that to actually work.

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