@fluffy @orekix Some horror game the Chinese government doesn't like

@fluffy @matrix @orekix Taiwanese game that had an Easter egg comparing Xi Jinping to Winnie the Pooh, which resulted in massive backlash from China, and led to it being taken off Steam a few years ago

@galena @matrix @orekix almost as if people don’t like having the guy who represents their nation mocked

imagine mocking john paul ii in poland

@fluffy @matrix @orekix I'm Canadian, mocking the absolute laughingstock we have in power is a beloved international pastime, quite possibly the only thing every single nation in the world can agree upon

@galena @matrix @orekix dunno, if your country went from a backwater rural shithole to the most powerful nation on earth with the highest home ownership, best policing, and fastest growing industry under one guy’s leadership you’d probably not hate him the way people in western nations hate their leadership, which has largely been a failure

After all, trumpers get mad when you mock trump, and obama fans get mad when you mock obama, surely you can see how it’s not too unusual if the guy is highly popular.

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