Signal: We have been adding new servers and extra capacity at a record pace every single day this week nonstop, but today exceeded even our most optimistic projections. Millions upon millions of new users are sending a message that privacy matters. We appreciate your patience.

@oz If the system was federated like Matrix, they would not have to deal with a server overload.

@marcel_kolaja @oz And Moxie (Signal's creator) is infamously against federation...*
Signal is just a slightly better WhatsApp, though still locked-in, phone number dependent, working only with Android/iOS devices etc.


@ondra @marcel_kolaja @oz I disagree with the logic that the federation freezes development. You can be the one who define the protocols and develop the software. You don't need to care about others at all. If they are unable to catch up? That's their problem, you lead the way. The whole product can still be federative and completely opened. IMHO.

@mig @marcel_kolaja @oz Oh, absolutely. His arguments were rebutted thousands times over. Here's reaction from Matrix, for example:
He still insist on his total control, though. This might tell you a lot about how good of an idea it is to lock yourself and your contacts into his walled garden. You have to trust him the published source code is actually what runs both on his servers as well as your client.
The irony of promoting #Signal here on #fediverse is too much... :)

@ondra @mig @oz Indeed. One of my reasons why I had been resisting using Signal for a long time was that the client is not available on F-Droid. In the end, I had to give up and download the binary package from the Signal website (I don't have a Google account and hence no Google Play), because way too many people in the European Parliament use Signal and it would be politically disadvantageous to be left out from important communication. Bizarre, isn't it?


@marcel_kolaja @ondra @mig @oz You can download the APK straight from their website or even use this fork without Google libraries

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