@matrix I never understood the whining over requiring ID to vote. You know that people can ea<sily abuse the system if you don't verify them, right? You know that temporary ID's can be obtained for free or a nominal fee, right? Right?
@moth_ball @matrix There's some really strange possibly astroturfed thing about "poor black people not having ID" or something like that

I believe I saw someone do live interviews in such neighborhoods and people have IDs

Actually, here's the "facts"

I would not trust that page to tell me the facts accurately
@coolboymew I agree, ACLU has seemed like a strange organization to me, kind of like the ADL, but not as on the nose. And the talk about "racial justice and equality" makes me wonder, what's the point where it has been achieved? Whenever this rhetoric is present, the goal is never clear, just the fact that they want to push a certain direction more. And it's never going to end if public officials keep being afraid of lynching.
@moth_ball As far as I'm aware the ACLU has long changed from what they were originally and are, as you said, just another Democrat astroturf tool like the ADL
@moth_ball there is this youtuber, Louis le Vau that complained a lot about it
@coolboymew There was some former ACLU worker on Joe Rogan's podcast recently who'd probably agree with you. Can't remember the name for the life of me but he had some really good points about defending speech and how suppressing bad speech has almost always turned around on the original supporters of the censorship.
@coolboymew @moth_ball @matrix Politicians and the media talk a lot about White Supremacy but to me making the assumption that black people are overwhelmingly "too poor" to provide a form of ID to vote is a perfect example of it.
@moth_ball @matrix -implying the people whining don't actively wish for voter fraud fraud.

I mean, that's how their man, a senile Mr. Magoo, "won" in 2020.
@moth_ball @matrix when i voted in november all the staff did was ask me to confirm the address i wrote on my registration papers
@matrix Just like in that proverb. Eating the cake, vomitting it right back out and eating it again.
@matrix When you think there are principles, but there are no principles. r/K selection some times has better explanatory power than the political compass chart.

@matrix if anything, require antibody tests to travel only to places where there's not enough vaccine access. Antibody tests work for both vaccinated and post-covid individuals

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