@matrix why are they even discussing this on discord, discord doesn't respect your freedom like IRC or XMPP

@socjuswiz @Nonetrix @matrix
might wanna redo the most recent layer with a 4K screen and impact font first. sorta useless without all of the original text visible

@Nonetrix @matrix @r000t are you just waiting for people to reply to this so you can screenshot it one level deeper

@sev @Nonetrix @matrix @r000t I like how everyone making replies to this and being like "huehuehue r u gonna screenshot my one too" just ends up doing the screenshot themselves :blobcatsmug:
@r000t @matrix
>why are they even discussing this on discord
Popular because it was shilled hard.
@matrix imagine being so autistic and still fucking that up. It didn't work because he's in / and he's not root
and he is wrong, it's just that he is at the root of the filesystem
@matrix or that you don't have permissions for the parent directory. (girls in my area disappearing as I speak)
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