@matrix gamers really conflicted between their hate for journalists and their hate for Israel

@lain I'm not conflicted as I don't hate Israel

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@lain @matrix

> antisemitic for entirely pragmatic reasons.

My grandma still has the documents her parents used to prove to the Nazis that they aren't Jewish so no I'm not

“Prove you aren’t Jewish”

Okay lol
@mushroom_soup @admin @matrix ah I see now you call yourself Buttfucker 3000 is that a new Vibromaster 3000 - "110 volts of pure animal power"?
Just seems like something a Jew would have.

@admin Nigga it was a law in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

Oh my fucking God stop trying to deceive goyim with your “documents” and “laws” we know your shit.

@admin The Nazis were the biggest Jews of all because they made that law

@ew @matrix @lain That was pretty interesting. I've heard a lot of different sides of this. It's interesting to me that if Israel gets away with all the stuff they do; why not just totally fan out, murder everyone, take all the remaining housing and put the Palestinians into reeducation camps? I feel like they could just do that now with no repercussion and it would probably be more humane than the slow steady vice grip of apartheid. Just rip off the bandage. No one remembers Rachel Corrie anyway.
@djsumdog @lain @matrix it's because they can't, israel has lost or stalemated every military engagement in the past 50 years
@ew @lain @matrix How?! They literally have all the weapons, the 3rd strongest military, bulldozers that the killdozer dude would murder for, and the propaganda backing of every major news outlet in the world.
@djsumdog @lain @matrix they are a reserve force they have to take civilians out of the economy
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