@matrix >roleplaying
oh, yep, loser. Dressing up as a knight = instant loser. Not like dressing up to go to a bar, or anything else.
>Mein Kampf
oh, yep, Nazi. Owning that book? That's a Nazi right there. Just like how he's a pregnant woman if he inherited his mother's "so you're expecting ..." booklet.
>lives with his mother
oh man, loser again. Why would anyone ever live with their mother? Only bad reasons to do that. Should just send out kill-squads to mop up anyone owning Mein Kampf and not living alone like me.
oh, yep, that's a milita member right there. Probably planning to shoot up a French Walmart. No other reason to have 'weapons'. Lucky the guy slapped Macron for some reason, instead of shooting him. Must've forgotten to bring them that day.
>Soviet flag
oh, yep, tanky. That's a sovietboo Communist who prays every night for Zombie Lenin to reclaim the world from 'the fascists' meaning every extant government. Praise Lenin.
>military simulation games
like what? ARMA? Warcraft 3? Fucking Chess? What a shocker, an adult human male that doesn't just make plastic dolls kiss each other all day.
>whose politics are an ideological mush
There's something mushy here, and it's your brain. Do you think any of this shit is "his politics"? Probably nobody's even asked the guy what his politics are, too busy trying to profile him so that they can solve the vital problem of "French leaders getting slapped" forever by having an AI identify straight men in a crowd.
@matrix "Owns a copy of mein kampf" as if that's a bad thing. Knowing what a nazi is doesn't make you a nazi.
> fantasy novels

Wow, that's extremely relevant to the issue at hand.
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