@matrix Gay, capitalism may have pulled Africans out of mud huts but gave the entire world faggotry and consumerism

All defenders of capitalism are fags. Just because some bush warriors make $2 a day is not worth the everlasting spiritual damage inflicted on societies all over the world.

@matrix @heidegger14 Feudal poverty is pretty shitty too. You can have shared meaning and community without throwing out capitalism completely and going back to the dark ages.

@ArdanianRight @matrix The whole point of capitalism is to erode shared meaning and culture. You cannot be traditional and capitalist at the same time, it’s impossible.

Saying it’s “capitalism or dark ages” is a retarded fake dichotomy. Rural America has been hollowed out by capitalism. Countries like 1930’s Germany and Italy showed you can be anti-capitalist and prosperous.


@heidegger14 @ArdanianRight Are you fucking trolling? Temporary boost to economy from an extractive economy making guns, tanks etc shows nothing.

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@matrix @heidegger14 @ArdanianRight

The lolberg has used the muh war economy cope again

Literally wasn’t tho bro lmao, I also straight up reject your gaynigger materialist premise that economic prosperity is the end all be all purpose of government but that’s a different issue.

@Vsolid @matrix @ArdanianRight

guys we might be living in pods and be deracinated bugmen consumers but at least the Africans make 45% higher wages than in 1985

The absolute state of capitalism defenders

@heidegger14 @Vsolid @ArdanianRight @matrix Maybe if my wage was 45% higher than it would have been in 1985 I'd like capitalism. But literally no one actually cares that a bunch of Africans are making 16 cents an hour instead of 11. Not even the Africans.
@Vsolid @matrix @heidegger14 Economic prosperity isn't the only thing that matters, but it is a thing that matters. Protecting a measure of personal autonomy and privacy is also an important value, and it's something neither the nazis nor globohomo corporatists are particularly interested in. You're not only not prosperous, you're not free either, and you're stuck sending your kids off to die for some prick with a mustache. Sounds like a bad deal to me.
@ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix This is basically "true capitalism has never been tried" then because all those corporations violating your personal autonomy certainly arent anything but capitalists lmao. Your worldview is inherently selfish and gay. I would legit have no reason to fear losing my personal autonomy in a fascist state as it would have my back. Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to one of the most powerful in the world in under four years so its definitely prosperous as well. There are absolutely no good arguments for capitalism.

I would also willingly die for a nation that has my back, and I'm sure my children would too although ideally they would never have to.
@Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix You can have a market economy with appropriate rules and regulations against things like data harvesting. Capitalism doesn't have to mean the government lets corporations do whatever the fuck they want.
@ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix Ok so show me when capitalism has ever manifested this way in real life, and no a shitty compound of 15 or so people that lasted a year or two doesn't count.
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix no, that's basically "not everything corporations do is capitalism"
@incel_lolbert @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix Capitalism is just another vehicle for jews to do gay shit and the only way to keep jews from doing gay shit is to exclude them from any and all positions of power. Oops, now you no longer have capitalism and you have a controlled economy.
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix that's a strawman, excluding jews doesn't abolish capitalism. Every economy is controlled, capitalism is about shareholders having some power over property they invest in, not just "rich people doing anything they want"
@incel_lolbert @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix Ok now show me capitalism manifesting in this way in the real world
@incel_lolbert @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix Which ones tho lmao, give me examples. I bet you they're filled to the brim with anti-white policies that you'll call something dumb like "cultural marxism"
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix investors can still have some power over their investments and at the same time politics and culture can be poisoned by leftism and western marxism, idk, it is not as big of a contradiction as you think it is
@incel_lolbert @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix You still haven't given me an example of this manifesting in the real world
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix try to think about how you get internet access and where does your food come from
@incel_lolbert @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix My food is made in a factory operated by chinks and filled with who knows what kind of artificial ingredients and the fediverse is the only place I can express my political views. You couldn't have picked a worse copout.

You also still haven't given me an example of where capitalism has manifested and not been gay lmao
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix factory didn't come from nothing, neither did your internet connection, it is a result of management and investments, and stop trying to pull gay stuff to this, it's hardly related at all
@incel_lolbert @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix It's hardly related at all meanwhile every corporation in america is falling hand over foot to hire more niggers and spics than whites lmao
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix At least you agree that almost everything you use is made through economy organised on the basis of capitalism. To the degree they promote anti-white stuff, it comes from them being anti-white, but first, from the gov being anti-white, not simply from investors being able to choose managers or what to produce. You can as well blame planes and roads for immigration or guns for crime by this logic
@incel_lolbert @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix The things I need could also be manufactured in a fascist economy just fine, but I don't give a shit about the materialist aspects that much. I care about my people and right now they are being raped physically and metaphorically at the behest of neoliberal capitalism. No fucking quality of manufactured goods can ever justify that.

You still have not given me a single example of non-gay capitalism ever manifesting in the real world.
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix I ate soup today and then used my phone, which were produced under capitalism, this wasn't gay, do you like this example?

Whites aren't being "raped by neoliberal capitalism", we are getting screwed by anti-white leftism, these two aren't really related
@incel_lolbert @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix Anti-white leftism which is fueled and funded by big tech while anti-white rightists / conservatives do literally nothing about it saying they are actually the true liberals, all while also supporting big business and saying the same corporations that empower their enemies should have lower taxes.

None of this is gay tho because you ate some soy infused cereal this morning and looked at the rectangle of despair to get your dopamine hit
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@incel_lolbert @Vsolid @ArdanianRight @matrix

Last post because this discussion is getting retarded:

How will being more capitalist help White people?

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@ArdanianRight @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix
What autonomy are you afraid to lose? The ability to buttfuck other men? The ability to access whatever drug you want? How were the german people denied their autonomy in nazis Germany, in weimar when they had seemingly unlimited autonomy was that better? Were the moms that whored out their own daughters better off?
@Boomerman @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix Jews weren't allowed to find child prostitutes to fuck on the streets of Berlin and thats a fate worse than death for a libertarian
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @heidegger14 @matrix
Working 80 hours a week to pay off your investment firm kike landlords is real freedom. Having a stable state where you can afford a family with a home and good healthcare and quality food is super opressive.
@Boomerman @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix I don't want my personal communications being monitored. I don't want my right to say what I want to be restricted. Basic 1st and 4th Amendment stuff.
@ArdanianRight @Boomerman @heidegger14 @matrix Ok then be a nazi because those are legit the only people fighting on those grounds in the postmodern world lmao. Capitalists want you housing niggers from Ethiopia in your rented Amazon brand pod in order to get a mild tax break.
@ArdanianRight @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix fucking lmao well i got bad news for ya. Its the capitalist mega corps doing that
@Boomerman @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix I know that. But it seems stupid to trade bignose for Mr. Mustache in terms of spying on me as a solution.
@ArdanianRight @Boomerman @heidegger14 @matrix Literally what reason do you have to be afraid of Mr. Mustache man
@Vsolid @Boomerman @heidegger14 @matrix What reason do I have to be afraid of Mr. Bignose? If you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear amirite?
@ArdanianRight @Boomerman @heidegger14 @matrix Mr. Bignose wants your kids to be trans, your money to be his, your race to be destroyed etc etc. Mr. Mustache wants to stop that. Being afraid of Mr. Mustache makes you pretty morally suspect ngl
@Vsolid @Boomerman @heidegger14 @matrix Are you serious? I know damn well how fucked up Clown World is and am trying to stop that. I just think there are better and more stable ways to organize society than relying on a Fuhrer.
@ArdanianRight @Vsolid @Boomerman @heidegger14 @matrix

Things are too rotted, it’s like the scientist in Day of the Dead said, “The time to shoot them all in the head would’ve been right at the beginning. Now they outnumber us 20,000 to 1.”
@ArdanianRight @Boomerman @heidegger14 @matrix Fuhrer is literally the only person who has actively stopped clown world in his own nation but you're scared of that so you cling to the system that has manifested clownworld in every country it has been implemented in
@ArdanianRight @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix
The fucking jews at yale the most prestigious college in the land payed a schizo black lady to give a speech about how murdering white people is cool
@ArdanianRight @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix mr bignose is actively trying to kill you mr moustache isnt that is unless he is which probably explains your libertarainism
@Boomerman @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix Mr. Mustache invading Russia in the winter sure got a lot of people killed, even if it wasn't intentional. Why the fuck should I trust him?
@ArdanianRight @Boomerman @heidegger14 @matrix So now we're equating success at warfare (which the Germans were very successful at anyways) with validity of systems lmao. Very honest!
@ArdanianRight @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix
People dying happens are you gonna pretend the soviets were just gonna wait around and never invade germany?
@RoyalJohnny242 @Boomerman @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix There are political systems that don't rely on a single man and don't collapse when said single man fucks up.
@Boomerman @RoyalJohnny242 @Vsolid @heidegger14 @matrix The American political system has mostly been pretty effective in spite of retarded politicians. It might need some retooling for the modern age, but core principles like separation of powers would seem to be a good foundation.
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @RoyalJohnny242 @heidegger14 @matrix
He of course cant answer the question what is the US system effective at its just a platitude. i also find it funny that he bitches about hitler because people died but how many people has america killed. Weve probably caused more death than any country in the world and again this is left entirely unexamined because hitler bad
@Boomerman @ArdanianRight @RoyalJohnny242 @heidegger14 @matrix It would literally be impossible to calculate how many people, especially white people, this evil jewish country has killed. From its numerous foreign wars waged globally from Japan to Germany and everywhere in between, from the opioid crisis, from shit like the obesity epidemic that everyone forgot about, the list can actually go on forever.
@Vsolid @ArdanianRight @RoyalJohnny242 @heidegger14 @matrix exactly hell you could probably factor abortion into that and were looking at multibillions dead at the hands of america
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