Google Translate seems to be better at RPG fantasy stuff, while DeepL is better at normal sentences.


This shit's gonna take forever

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@nukie Yeah, I love the artist behind it

I did an initial run with Google Translate, because it's faster and unlimited, to test things out. Now I'm improving it by fixing formatting etc and using DeepL to improve the translation.
I don't understand Japanese at all though, so I'm going purely of what sounds better.

Nigga that's a several year process and I'm lazy and school is starting on Monday

I already did in high school and I would rather die than learn more
@dwaltiz @nukie

Pronunciation, sentence building and vocabulary.
The text books we used were also extremely cringe like "Hey there fellow kids, let's do some drugs and alcohol".
@dwaltiz @nukie

@matrix @EnjuAihara @dwaltiz @nukie Complaining about German. Посмотри на этого чувака. Он думает, что немецкий трудно, лол. I've only been learning for three months. It's not hard, just don't learn with textbooks

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