@matrix I remember this horrific crime and how these people after 1 news cycle were wiped off the face of the media.
@matrix these people who do this to our fellow Whites. Have names and addresses.
@matrix Ok so I had to look this up but there were 4 perps involved in the top incident. Brittany Covington actually got the lightest sentence out of the 4, with the rest getting between 3, 7 and 8 years in prison.
The bottom incident also involved probation at the end of the prison sentence, 7 for Torres and 6 for Norton. The thing I cant find is whether they plead innocent or guilty, which taking a plea deal might've gotten them shorter time as I suspect it did in the other case, however what's missing from this is that there were actual crimes involved (Brandishing of a firearm) and they were actually banished from Douglas County which is pretty wacky.
@featherFag @matrix Brandishing a gun is still not deserving of all this. The plea deal part also plays a major role, if people remember, Chauvin was willing to plea guilty to get 10 years and the persecution refused. It's entirely possible for Chauvin to win the appeal after 1 or 2 more years have passed, possibly with him serving less than half the sentence he was ready to serve.

The malicious assault of a mentally retarded kid is vile, niggers or not, I don't hate on mentally disabled or physically disabled people, for the simple fact there was an accident with their birth, while with race, it's not random or an accident. You are what you parents are and they are who their parents are and so on and so forth.

If the kid was asian, I promise you the chinks in the city would not calm down until those niggers were lifers or dead.
@featherFag @matrix https://www.baronedefensefirm.com/brandishing-a-firearm-in-public.html

To give an example, in Michigan, brandishing it with the intent to cause fear is 90 days and a 100 dollar fine. Pointing is 93 days and 500 dollar fine and of course, committing any of these will revoke your right to carry guns and will have to serve and pay to get it back.
@Dice @matrix I don't thing it was the brandishing that got them the time but some retarded terrorism statute in that jurisdiction that did. And this is the way the "justice" system works the judge of the case has a lot of power over what the length of the prison sentence will be, which is literally why the one person out of four picked to be on the image wasn't sent to jail, because the judge let her off.
@matrix The lesson is clear: they're going to give you a terrible sentence any way, so better make it count. :pepegun:
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