all the reports of brick piles popping up... @matrix

... gotta be plenty of traffic/security video to get a sense of what's going on.

IF one were curious. And in charge of such things.

Who knows? Maybe some HD drone footage, too!

@matrix Niggas be preparing to build cozy brick houses for the homeless. What's weird about that.

@matrix I'm wondering if I should grab some free shit this time around or just get some footage with my drone

@r000t @matrix find and steal all the bricks
donate them to habitat for humanity

@r000t @matrix
If you wear this mask, discount code : George Floyd works at all points and all times.

Cops aren't arresting anyone.
DAs and AUSAs won't press any charges if you're popped.
National Guard is packing empty mags.

It's almost like a PvP zone is being encouraged.

@sloppyhog @r000t @matrix get a semi and forklift. Pick up the pallets and take them home. Free bricks for your house. 😂

Depends how moral you want to be. I say you should sit back and film, but tbh if you stole something nobody would notice because someone else would steal that thing later anyway.

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