@matrix ok I mean

I'd probably watch this, though.

I'd roll my eyes at the tits but muskets VS aliens I haven't seen yet and kinda need to now
@shebang @matrix I mean common you've seen what happened when men appropriated the my little fan base
@matrix TL;DR - That's not going to work, because too few females care about anything beyond their base urges.

Do women even have franchises?

Even stuff like "Harry Potter" and "Twilight" seemed to have faded a great deal, while things like "Star Wars", "Ghost Busters", "Star Trek", etc... were kept alive, sometimes for decades without new official content coming out.
People still watch the black and white Star Trek to this day!

Another attempt at "Dune" was only possible because there are some hardcore "Dune" fans out there, and most are of course men.
And don't get me started on the fantasy genre... from "Lord of the Rings", to "The Discworld", from "Solomon Kane", to "Conan the Barbarian", it's sweaty men, as far as the eye can see.

I haven't seen much that women are into for the story, or characters, beyond the superficial.
Who likes fucking "Aquaman"?!
Women do, because he's played by Jason Momoa, and literally no other reason.

Female "franchises" are just whatever women think is either cute, or sexy.
Only existing to tickle their clit, and is quickly forgotten and discarded when it's over.

Are there any female "Barbie" fans that follow the lore?
Where are all the women upset about "My Little Pony" reboot appealing to men?
I bet there are men who are into that, and can talk your ear off about it.
Not women though, most of them just buy it because it's pretty, or cute.

Even normie guys were upset when Superman was announced as being a bisexual, who is dating some pink haired homo.
It made international headlines... And not because of women.
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