
Kyle Rittenhouse got his EA account banned because he used his name :jokerlol:

@matrix Tranny names like Narcissa and Zoe and Octavia are still totally heckin valid
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @matrix why do you fags have to find a way to make every discussion about trannies, youre absolutely obsessed
@wowaname @matrix If you can call yourself Spiro "The Dragon" Nolactone Robuttnikfucker I should be able to go by Kyle Rittenhouse or Adolf Hitler or Karen or Brandon or Pepe especially if those are my legal names

But you knew that already, you vile, disingenuous troon fuck
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @matrix nobody fucking mentioned trannies at all here you fucking retard
@matrix after all hes done and went through a man cant even game…
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