@matrix @RET394 Actually, the three things Western Societies™ combine are niggers, faggots, and Jews.

Western society needs to be eradicated.
@matrix @RET394
The subversion that is happening has nothing to do with any of those things listed. What is actually happening is jews hate White people because we eventually get wise to their subversion and kick them out of our societies for at least a time and so they are using their massive control of money(they own/rule all of the largest financial institutions) to buy off/blackmail our politicians, to control the media and entertainment industries, and using both politicians and the media, to control what people think and to use the brown hordes against the White man by doing such. We would be far better off returning to feudalism and "pre-renaissance morality" because at least the useless dregs of society(brown people) would be easily cast aside. Also the focus on individualism is what got us into this mess in the first place. The collective needs to come first or else we end up with infinity niggers and jews ruling over us yet again.
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