Truly a bougie fantasy.
>do a low skill low threat job
>get paid well above the market value

The Good Life had something even stranger......
Affordable renovations for your house.
@matrix If they're trying to do a tabletop stardew valley, that'd be cool

There's a reason they always think "teaching theory" or "tending to the farm" is gonna be their role

The "role" they think of is the first 15 seconds or so of the fantasy in their head. It's 15 seconds of what they *think* the job entails, then they clock out and the rest of the fantasy begins.

So either smiling and saying "Thank you xir, please come again!" to a smiling, non-argumentative coffee shop customer, then clocking out.

Or, using a hoe/rake a few times on a single area of a small rooftop garden, wiping their brow, and looking over to the love interest.

Or saying to an outdoor class of 6 people (or auditorium of 9001 because ego), "And that's why the neoclassical ciscolonial djduucjrbfjchdbdk class dismissed!" and then answering softball questions by students.

@r000t @matrix with this work/wage relationship the plot better revolve around serving a wealthy, well-connected and seemingly friendly Durgear wizard called Geoff Ray Epsteinbeard who plots to separate the less cautious players from the others and enslave them so they'll spend the rest of their lives sucking old diseased dicks from corrupt nobles from the realm.
@matrix tbh this would only be funny if you did everything you could to be a nuisance to everyone. Like serving cups of piss or filling everyone's pillows with mud or lice

People needed someone to put this together for them?
I'm constantly baffled by pre-made campaigns. Settings I understand, but campaigns are so alien to me.
I say this as someone who has never managed to play in a group that stays together long enough to finish a campaign.

i played a shit load in college and we never one single time did a pre-made campaign. every DM always made up his own thing
@HitterNeverQuitter @matrix

@HitterNeverQuitter @matrix
>I say this as someone who has never managed to play in a group that stays together long enough to finish a campaign.
@NEETzsche @matrix @HitterNeverQuitter
>niggers make a DnD campaign
>it's about having a minimum wage job
>mfw the nigger fantasy is stable income

When's the campaign where their dads comes back from the store, now THAT would be magical!
>A fucking DnD campaign for hipsters
You're going to have to be specific.
you play as a coffee shop employee BUT IT'S DND DOOD
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