@matrix This one, while more on the cute side, is neither ugly nor dirty
@matrix Yes, she is cute, just like cute drawing of lolis are cute

"I don't have pics of hot children" so I can't prove to you that both are at least equally hot. But sometimes a child just makes you uohh 😭 y'know
@sandy @matrix @EnjuAihara @Spaghettimon I would sip the drink after it went through her belly and kidneys

@EnjuAihara @matrix @Spaghettimon Real children gross stinky but hyper-infantised drawing super hot and uooohhhhh

@applejack @EnjuAihara @matrix @Spaghettimon i don't see how people say they're gross, I'd definitely make children with that child
@Spaghettimon @matrix matrix didnt like this star this one?
i remember also posting pic of girl and he didnt star it
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