@matrix yes. We also believe the holocaust did not happen.

What do you think about the holocaust?

@PonyPanda I think we didn't kill enough Germans after the war

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@matrix ehhh! Anti-white Reddit racism! And to defend the holocaust myth.

I guess you got us! Us dissident right-wingers really are just a confused lot. You guys supporting the anti-white banking cartels that use "Invade the world. Invite the world." policies that are killing native white populations are the real fashy goys.

Me happy that brown people have what they need in their own home countries so that they don't need to shit up mine... I'm basically Vaush.
@matrix I think they're whatever they need to be. And now they're latching on to pro-white movements to hide and further their agenda. Look at Bronze Age Pervert.

It's "Judeo-Christian" but with a racial theme.

@PonyPanda who?

Maybe some of them have noticed the acceptance of anti-white racism and realized that it will hit them soon

@matrix and who was responsible for pushing anti-white racism?
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