@matrix so he was dressed like he was a snooty rich white person, in one of the famously worst neighborhoods at 4am, then confronted someone breaking into a car that wasn't his, while he was with another person he would be responsible for the safety of?
@Moon @matrix also his girlfriend refused to cooperate with the police because the stabber is a victim of a broken system. The boyfriend died.
@Moon @matrix also as the bf was bleeding out the gf grabs a bystander and instead of telling them to call the police or the ambulance she tells them to "go check on" the stabber because "he is in distress"
@Moon @triodug @matrix remember how Amy biehl had parents apologizing to the people who stabbed her?
@PurpCat @triodug @matrix @Moon there's an american ngo/agency shit that coerces/convinces families to "apologize" the perpetrators if they are black i saw
@mischievoustomato @triodug @matrix @Moon put it this way, Amy Biehl's case is what you read about on websites talking about how fucked race relations are between different groups for a reason.

It's like if the family of Trayvon Martin was apologizing to the family of George Zimmerman because something something race. You never see that, ever. Just those families out for blood because someone killed their family member.
@Moon @triodug @matrix

i think it's similar to religious fanaticism, it's just this entire worldview that they can't ever break with
@explosionguy @matrix @Moon my fiancee would've made us cross the street so this entire altercation would be avoided.
@mischievoustomato @matrix @EdBoatConnoisseur @Moon also all of his friends say that the victim would have been okay with being stabbed. "He would have had sympathy for a man trapped in a broken system." Just insane all around.
@triodug @matrix @EdBoatConnoisseur @Moon WHAT?!
You know what, I've ran out of sympathy for the dead dude. Fuck these people to hell and back

@mischievoustomato @triodug @matrix @Moon Welp, you finally experienced the “give me my empathy back” moment.

@triodug @matrix @Moon They get a feeling of being superior to other white people by holding the beliefs they do. This feeling is often more important than life itself they would rather die than think of themselves as equal to an ordinary American. Listening to the Jim Jones tapes it is repeated over and over again just how superior they are compared to the people they left behind and this is as they are preparing to commit mass suicide.

Sometimes I use American as compliment with lefty types just to see them recoil at though of being a "fine American".
@Moon @triodug @matrix

The journalist herd needs thinning now that we've removed their natural predators, otherwise they'll starve. It might seem cruel, but it's necessary.
@triodug @matrix @Moon the boyfriend bled to death while she didn't even call for an ambulance, or even held his hand
@Moon @matrix dumb guy couldnt even be a hero
mom taught me well to not defend shit that aint mine or someone i dont even know
@Moon @matrix Even better, the gf didn't call the cops, and when they arrived she refused to describe the suspect. ACAB through and through. They nabbed the black today BTW.
@matrix @Moon she won’t cooperate with the police because she doesn’t want the black person who did it to be arrested.
@lain @matrix @Moon
LOL this is completely different to how right wingers spun this. Was she supposed to like, jump in and die for her boyfriend who was already bleeding out?

The right wingers were like 'she just stood there as her boyfriend got stabbed to death then thanked the guy for stabbing him or something'

I'd like to see how the brave right wingers would've reacted in this situation.

The stabber is super aggressive here, and if she'd acted up she'd probably be dead too.
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