@matrix >Illegally
4chan needs its userbase thanos snapped
@matrix what can I say, I like it when people I don't like kill each other and no amount of glowkike kvetching on /pol/ will change my mind

I think it's consistently anti-semitic.
Most of /pol/ (at least historically) thinks Jews are enemy #1 and behind all mass immigration and cultural degradation, and that muslims are one of many groups from the 3rd world being sent to western countries to dilute europeans and eventually erase them.
They dislike muslims, at least those in America and Europe where they think they don't belong, but see the middle east as where they belong and even see Israel is evil jewish occupiers (this is conistent with their view). So they cheer muslims on when killing Israelis, but would also cheer a neo-nazi killing muslims in a white majority country. I don't see any inconsistency.

Similar consistency can be found in the Ukraine-Russia conflict where many support Russia in its claimed "denazification" operation. They're okay with it because they view Azov as at worst not real nazis and jewish controlled, and at worse stupid and fighting in the interests of "globohomo" (ZOG west) and thus not worth supporting, while they see Putin as fighting against "globohomo" which effects them personally. Russia's multiculturalism/pro-mulsim/pro-jewish stances don't matter so much in their eyes because their own governments are the bigger threat, and in their view "at least it's anti-homo".

@matrix It's like if a pitbull attacked and killed my enemy and ate his or her baby. I'd be delighted it happened, but I still wouldn't like pitbulls.
Nobody has ever said this nigger. People in the UK who hate Muslim immigrants are all defending ISRAEL, not Hamas. First sign this nigger lives in a 4chuddy echo chamber.

Second, far right people often defend Islam due to it's more extreme nature. George Lincoln Rockwell of the American Nazi party attended NOI meeting with Malcolm X. Far right support of Islam is common.

Finally, this isn't a 'changing of morals'. The people who don't like Israel fall into 3 camps in a Venn Diagram:
Left wing: Hates ethnostates, Apartheid and oppression.
Right wing: Doesn't like oppression, hates Jews, and generally dislikes Apartheid.
Right wing: Hates Jews.

The middle one being the overlap, and the other two being either side of the Venn Diagram.

You'd have to do some SERIOUS mental gymnastics to support Israel here. You either have to be Right wing Jew lover like MAGA or a amoral Left winger (Also kike lover) like Biden.
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