@matrix I like how most ancient egyptian mummies have naturally occurring red or blond hair. It's a little know fact that flies in the face of the "we wuz kangs" narrative so it doesn't get talked about much.
@sjw @matrix Not just egypt.
The chinks found some significantly older than previously thought buildings in the Tocharian Basin.
Chink archaeologists very excited.
Mummies found.
Archaeologist excitement peaks.
Mummies examined
Proto caucasian features and red hair found, not chink phenotype
Mummies left out in the elements to rot
@Kang_Kong3 @matrix yep
Also the world's oldest and largest pyramid is in Europe (specifically Bosnia) but it flies in the face of the current narrative so similar situation unfortunately
@sjw @matrix the cracks in that consensus have been spreading though. First Catal Huyuk pushed city building back 4 millenia before Eridu, then Gobekli Tepe pushes temple building (and probable habitation from the infill samples) all the way back to before the younger dryas and Gunung Padang in Indonesia or Malaysia (i forget which one) is pushing things back to ~27 millenia before present. So far all 3 are resisting deboonks like champions
@Kang_Kong3 @matrix I think humans have been around a lot longer than the official narrative
We're also not as technically advanced as we used to be. I wouldn't be surprised if we've achieved levels of technology on par with or exceeding what we have in the modern day, maybe even multiple times over the span of ancient human history only for a major war and/or cataclysm to reset everything.
@Hoss @sjw @matrix I love the hyperborea memes as much as everyone else but I'm gonna be cautious in the "lost technology" field. Like the evidence exists that the ancients could manipulate and build with absurdly large rocks that defy modern explanation for sure, we can see shit like the sphinx temple blocks, Baalbek in syria and some of the Incan sites down in pablo land. But i'm not going to goo full schizo ancient ayyyLMAOS an sheeeit

@Kang_Kong3 @Hoss @sjw @matrix Yeah, if they were zipping around in saucers it doesn't explain the absolute sterility of signs in hostile environments. They just applied "leave no trace" to the entire globe, everywhere, forever?

if they had powered flight to our extent you'd see markings, grafitti in some out of the way places

@Kang_Kong3 @Hoss @sjw @matrix Agreed. Coral Castle ( coralcastle.com/ ) is a good example to counter-balance the wonders of the ancient world. I'm not going to claim that a scrawny Latvian in 1936 Florida used exactly the same techniques as the Inca, but it casts doubt on ideas such as "ancient aliens moved rocks for the Inca, now that they're gone there's no possible way we could do anything like it without a fleet of construction vehicles."
>It can turn aluminum into silver
Whelp, guess I gotta kill this guy.

@Kang_Kong3 @sjw @matrix The eightfold path of Buddhism was written by Aryans, the Vedas of Hinduism were written by Aryans, the Greek fables, Nordic sagas, the Oera Linda, and much of the Christian mythos all stems from Aryan blood. The Aztec began sacrificing children when the spanish arrived because "there gods" had returned. Megalithic structures are everywhere these people lived.

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