@matrix I don't believe it
India is one of the most polluted places in the world
@VD15 @sjw @matrix well like no shit im pretty sure the air in india carries every disease known to man just from the sheer amount of shit and garbage everywhere

@lina @sjw @matrix I've been to india twice in my life and I'm pretty sure it collectively shaved five years off my life expectancy

@VD15 @sjw @matrix doesn't even surprise me at all that its worse than china lmao, truly the number 1 super-toilet :tanya_laugh:
@matrix @VD15 @sjw i recall someone on here mentioning they went to india and the south is significantly less of a shithole than the north but its still fucking india
@matrix @VD15 it's still not good

It's like going to the pool and catching a little bit of AIDS vs a lot of AIDS. It doesn't matter because at the end of the day, if you're in India, you're fucked :ricky:
@sjw @matrix @VD15 Unless you've got a wad of money to throw around I've been hearing...

@TURBORETARD9000 @sjw @matrix They mean that literally btw.

The hotel I stayed in when I was there had a big fuck off fence around the entire property. They literally paid a guy to stand at the front gate with a sword and throw rupees at beggars until they fucked off just so they wouldn't get in the way of the guests.

@VD15 @sjw @matrix interesting fact that people like Greta consistently omit when they rant in rallies and block random roads in civilized countries.

@matrix Which Indian? One has no city anymore (sorry) and the other has no genuine air.

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