
PhilosophyTube is a women, or at least perfectly acts as a stereotype of one.
The video is scattered, unfocused schizoid tier ramble, full of falsehoods, paranoia, projections and emotional appeals

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@matrix Looks like dollar store contra points. The fact that these breadtuber trannies are so successful is really grim.

@EvilCorp1988 I remember seeing some claim that Toasttube is stagnating

@matrix Would be nice. I'm sure the main personalities not being able to avoid getting into drama and the infighting hasn't helped them.
I won't go as far as to say that it's losing its influence though. The algorithm still favors them and left-wing content still seems more popular from what I've seen, it's just that the anti-left has a bit more life in it than it did in 2020.
@matrix Do you remember when it was just a gay dude?
@matrix But, the times were so much simpler. I want to go back to the Sargon days, w/ “Every culture is beautiful” videos and long talks about feminist douchebags
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