@lamp apparently it's fairly normal to take a nap when working, which probably is only a cope with Japan's work culture

@matrix @lamp It got bad enough the government made new labor rules on overtime, and companies have been setting limits on working hours & trying to enforce them, but the only effect is that workers now have less time to handle the same workload.


@japananon @lamp Same work less time is probably even more stressful. I assume it's partially connected to shrinking population since there's just less and less people to do the work

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@matrix @lamp The shrinking workforce might factory into it. I think a lot of it is the game of hot potato everybody's playing. Labor Ministry pushes new overtime laws to look like they're doing something. Company doesn't want to get fined by the Labor Ministry, so they kneejerk regulate working hours without thinking of the consequences. All of the shit just rolls downhill.

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