>elven girl argues that elven prejudice against humans isn't warranted
>gets kidnapped and raped by humans

Profound political analysis :kappalul:

@matrix yes and humans debasing/assaulting elves and stuff
I like when the guy is also an elf but that's very rare

@WandererUber That's true you don't see it that much.
Elves are often used as a symbol of purity and beauty and so are women, so it doesn't make much sense to put an elven male there.

@matrix not for closet cuck fetishists, no.
for people that like wholesome couplings, it would be preferable if the guy is also an elf. There are a few games and stuff where you play as one (e.g. zelda) and have an elven love interest. I don't like it when the elf is mating with a human and "being degraded by it", let alone all the weird pseudo-bbc cuckold fantasy shit where humans abduct and rape them. horrible.

I don't like the degradation aspect either, but judging by how common it is, I'm assuming many people do.
I don't think consensual human and elf couplings are degradation though.

@matrix A lot of people have this weird internalized moral inversion, where they think they deserve something because they are ugly or poor or smelly or whatever.
Sometimes they twist such a coupling to be degrading to the elf girl, not always though and especially not in something like LotR where the symbolism is entirely different.
Humiliation is a big thing in Asian culture, I imagine. Or maybe it is just irredeemable coomers who are twisted in more ways than one?
@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix I don't know. I think it's a weird peasants revolt type thing. That's why drawing dark-skinned males is so big in south korea, because they have this weird materialistic social climber culture which idolizes purity and perfection in a twisted way and the swarthy bugmen at the bottom dream of revenge.
I think you are attributing too much romantic thought to it when you call it peasant revolt.
It is simply about contrast, the prettiest females being together with the ugliest males, which in turn also makes it about humiliation of the pretty women, assuming it forced. If it is not forced then the theme is rather about how her mind has regressed to a point where she has no standards, which is in a way also about humiliation.
The males being darker skinned is just a signifier of them being low-class, unless it is literally niggers in which case they are just ugly.

I agree that it is a twisted wish for revenge, or perhaps simply a sadistic soul, that would particularly enjoy these kinds of works.
@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix a peasants revolt in the sense of something horrible upsetting the natural order. As said before, many people now think they deserve something for being poor/ugly/stupid. So then they automatically revel in the debasement of the beautiful because in their mind the beauty itself is what made them guilty.
The total inversion of good and evil since the french revolution or something.

idk if I feel like trying to articulate my schizo social theory further under a pron post. You can probably fill in the gaps.
That seems reasonable, but in this context it might not necessarily be a worldview, but specifically a perversion. Pic related.

I also assume that "peasant revolt" implies fighting tyrants or otherwise unjust rulers, but I guess that was not what you meant.
@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix >"peasant revolt" implies fighting tyrants or otherwise unjust rulers
that's what the peasants think.

The perversion that develops from horniness is linked to the worldview. It is twisted wish fulfillment. I think there was also a half-serious political compass with fetishes.
And the greatest wish of these types is the unwashed dumb masses turning on their fair and beautiful betters. This is how they perceive the world and their place in it.

You sly dog, you had me expanding on my schizo social theory under a pron post even after I said I wouldn't!
You think the spiteful underclass is such a significant part of the population that pornographic entertainment is often made to appeal to them? Or perhaps it is simply that these are overrepresented among the producers of pornography?

Either way, I object to your lumping together of the working class and under class into the term "peasants", since I have a misguided working class identity (I am actually lower middle class).
@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix Both actually. 90% of the planet is spiteful brown people lusting after white (and some asian) women.
They are also overrepresented among the producers.

I am using peasant in the sense of someone deserving of lower standing rising up, like "console peasant" I guess lol.

btw Eiswald or Granwalder talked this.
One of them had a poast how it's bullshit that people can "distinguish fiction from reality" especially with regard to fetishes. That's where I formed this thought that fetishes are a twisted form of fulfillment for your actual wishes (I guess this is not new and probably even retard Freud said this)
Harem is a fetish for people that want high status, female attention and being seen as desirable. Pretty standard desire, so pretty common fetish.

And not to blow you up over this but
>I have a misguided working class identity (I am actually lower middle class).
this is very common and the societal baseline of what I meant about being ugly,poor,stupid or whatever being a virtue.
I don't get why it is "bullshit that people can distinct fiction fron reality". I am quite capable of it myself.
@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix It was one of the Wald-type poasters who said this. maybe Waldbrand lol
I can't find it right now.
What I was saying was that I didn't agree fully and came to the conclusion that while it isn't true that these things are completely separate, there is a more complex connection than just "I want to fuck a watermelon irl"
I know. Waldbrabd is a vocal believer in "you are what you consume".
I think I get it, but I do not necessarily agree 100%
@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix thank you jens you truly are the only poster with fully activated almonds
Humiliation stuff is pretty big in Asian porn because they are obsessed with the concept of honor and purity for women. They have an idealized image of them and cannot envision them as being as human as men.
>cannot envision them as being as human as men
Ironic, since the humiliation is often about having them have sex with lesser humans, meaning that it is the men will be depicted as monsters, animals or just ugly fuckers.
That's just to make the humiliation worse, it's not like they see men as lesser creatures.
>Men are literally depicted as lesser creatures
>"Actually this is about making women look bad"
You are right that the point is to make the humiliation worse, but the idea is to bring the woman down to their level, not that men are better than women.
@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix @RikaDerufu this is what I meant. These people have an inverted worldview
Lesser = better
"pure women" DESERVE humiliation because ugliness is the virtue and purity, beauty are the sins!
I don't think these types have the western liberal's "inverted morality" that would call bad things virtue and good things sin. They are simply envious or sadistic, and don't think too hard about it.
@RikaDerufu @matrix @Jens_Rasmussen I wouldn't even disagree, the envy and sadism are what gave birth to this worldview.
"spiteful mutant" idk who said it first but it is vocab at this point
I believe "spiteful mutant" is Edward Dutton's phrase, isn't it?
@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix @RikaDerufu just looked it up, it's a whole thing lol
rationalwiki has an article where they seethe about it so his theory must be sound
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