Neither of these are that great. I can't say "相棒" really has the same connotation as "partner" does. It sounds more like something a girl would say when she doesn't want to commit to the relationship rather than a gender neutral alternative like it is in English.

some discussion about it:
correction, the word here is actually 相方 but it still sounds like something you would use to avoid commitment rather than avoiding gender.

this blog post does suggest it's closer to how "partner" is used in English so I should take back that the top one is inaccurate.

I am weary of accepting "based" translations just as much as "woke" ones, I think it's usually best to avoid any kind of baggage that might not exist in the other language.

@Tsuki It's definitely good to be sceptic and verify.
Thanks for finding the blogpost. It does seem the usage is close to English.

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