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After Oshamambe there's Uchiu Tunnel (内浦トンネル), Konbu Tunnel (昆布トンネル), Miyada Tunnel (宮田トンネル) and Niseko Tunnel (ニセコトンネル)

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Makomanai Tunnel (幌内トンネル), Toyono Tunnel (豊野トンネル) and Kunimatsu Tunnel (国縫トンネル).

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Mapping in progress construction from google maps is fun.
First one was Watari Tunnel (渡島トンネル).
Here's Nifuku Tunnel (二股トンネル), Bifuka Tunnel (碧雲トンネル), Notaguchi Tunnel (野田追トンネル) and after Yakumo Tateishi Tunnel (立岩トンネル).

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The Hokkaido shinkansen is pretty crazy. It's basically just tunnels.
All this is just going to be a tunnel

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.