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Comedy is about punching in every existing direction. You can't have a joke without someone or something being the punchline.
By making it so that you can't joke about some people you create a privileged class.

Don't try downplaying what you tried doing, kaniini.
Turning memes into holocaust denial is very close to slander.

For some reason redirecting to the Dailystormer doesn't work.

So he is fully aware that I'm not serious and just shitposting, but he doesn't care because he has a personal vendeta.

pleroma the great new software where you can say whatever some random sjw developer allows you to say

I might preemptively move to a different domain registrar.
Any suggestions. I'm thinking Epik.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.