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When you play Farmville so Facebook's algorithm decides that you might enjoy your grand-nephew's gamer memes.

so there's this trap boi avatar creator and look what i made, i tried to accurately make me.

Whoever thought storing all media in one database alongside everything else is a good idea deserves to be hanged

Remember Shkrelli?
I love rich trolls. They don't have to give a fuck.

stop ordering fucking PLASTIC, fucking fake plastic mice you dumb faggot, i know you don't write your programs in assembly you are fucking RETARD NIGGER FUCK YOU , dumb fucking RETARD

Hating communism is bigoted. :disability:
Why are so many Twitter "hot takes" accounts just leftists getting offended?

People using Superman as an argument for immigration show that they don't actually get what people have a problem with.
Yes, Superman was an immigrant, but he integrated. He learned English and loved his country and protected it.
Also Superman is boring because he's too OP.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.