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Every human is born with the emotional sensibilities of women, she only represents herself. Feminists =/= women. What we're talking about the most solid data available.

what do nationalists and commies both hate equally? Uncontrolled capitalism. Join Freedom⢠today!

This is fucking spicy :pepelol:
"They transitioned me into a girl, so I transitioned them into an oven." :omegalul:

Working here is like a pregnancy. After nine months you wish you hadn't come.

You Know You're in Your Fifties When You're Drunk and Your Hand Goes Places

You Need To Have An Emergency Surgery! We Need To Get Your Cock To Calm Down! What's The Procedure!? An Experienced And Beautiful Nurse Performs Forced Fellatio 2 "We Cannot Shave His Cock While It's Hard! It's Almost Time For Surgery! We Can't Go In To Surgery Like This!"

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.