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facebook should block itself because facebook is a creep
@nepfag @roka @Kro This FAKE cunt is actually saying we should go back to the way things were in the 90s with congress having debates over shit like Doom:

#nsfw What the actual fuck did I just wanna argue with them.

@orekix @Kro @dirb pirating videogames is for eastern europeans and south american poorfags
This is the thing about most of the leftish sort of people who use fedi

They understand the fundamental idea: freedom is good, freedom from coercion is good, you should never be ashamed of yourself or your identity, fuck cops

But then for some reason they also believe: hey lmao what if we reorganised society around producing⢠things for the peopleâ¢, and also what if we had a Periodic Table of the Privilege Elements which would continue to apply even after the surrounding structure of society that enabled "privilege" in the first place was completely destroyed

How fucking spooked
It's really sad

Marx was a better weaver of traps than the likes of L. Ron Hubbard by far, they were ANTS compared to him. It's possible that there has been no more machiavellian or misanthropic figure in all of human history.

tfw wasted a bunch of time on something that doesnât even work

Q: How many lesbians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Ten. One to do it, and nine to talk about how gratifying it was
without a man.

"rozlišování různých forem vlastnictví je typickým projevem marxistické teorie" :omegalul:
Maybe I will join Svobodní

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.