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"Toxoplasmosis is usually harmless"

Yeah that's exactly what the toxoplasmosis wants you to think....
gay little NIGGER who also took over, added his FAKE BULLSHIT ELECTRONIC DEBT CURRENCY, fucking RETARD
Being a scientist who believes in social justice must be rather like being a Christian scientist

You're always having to make excuses to tie the convenient lie in with the raw natural truth

@âmatrixpornarchive@â finally got to him.

Holy shit, she is trans and the iGPU is pretty accurate.

The policies Yang is suggesting are retarded, but the memes are great.

@lain I wish i was doing my fucking sister, I wish I was balls deep in my sister right this moment

Men who are attracted to women clearly have feminine tastes and are therefore probably gay.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.