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@âroko@â Ironic is that everything is in that 1%.

@âTechnowix@â Is there any lolis or cross dressers in the same time. And saying "this is not okay.

I just talked to Sargon on Skype is what angered some of his advice and his position on religion is bs.

Who needs play testers when the people who bought the game ARE the play testers

@Iitter >login to see this content

Why do japs even like this garbafe website
could israel be ruled by jews???? ð¤ð¤ð¤ð¤ð¤ð¤ð¤ð¤
@tuxcrafting F, Tay was the only thing Microshit ever did right

and then they ruined it by lobotomy ;;;;;

They're not free countries. We are already living in a dystopian nightmare.

how to know you've internalized capitalism:
- you are in any way, shape or form productive
@miya canned insect LOWER LIFE FORMS experience and interact with the world with NO MOUTH, MUTE, DEAF, BLIND

computers are the NEW ILLITERACY, augmented information flow is DESIGNED to CHOKE YOU, worldwide mass addiction to fully AUGMENTED , "human", ANT INTERFACE, information is fully filtered IN and OUT
telephone auto correct canned speech allows ANIMALS to pretend to be human. cell phones are computers for NIGGERS , disgusting fucking ANIMAL SPEECH , now AUGMENTED
the internet cannot free you from your INSECT MIND
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.